Category Archives: Masters Project

Flitting between states of dress.

I have been collecting videos of AR filters glitching on my face for over a year now, just because I found them funny. When I started doing the facetune paintings, I enjoyed flitting between the original image and the edited … Continue reading

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Lucy 1st draft feedback.

I was so grateful to Lucy for checking over my rough first draft, I have been sick for the last three weeks so some of the sections were still in note form unfortunately. I would rather have given Lucy a … Continue reading

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Reflective Statement – Reframing phygital processes as a form of dress.

A large aspect of my thesis has come together to reframe the phygital processes I am speaking about as a form of dress. This has linked a lot of my work together, from beauty and beautification, to asking ‘where is … Continue reading

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Final Question and breakdown.

I built on the method I introduced at the start of the unit of breaking down my research question in to sub research categories – this was very useful and allows me to ensure it all flows together nicely.

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Phygital diagram – Evolving definition of Phygital.

As I’ve been writing my essay and particularly when writing up the phenomenology section, I have uncovered new ways of thinking about phygital. In the context of selfies, I realised that phygtial goes beyond the merging of physical and virtual … Continue reading

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Do I need to include ‘Dress’ in my title?

I have been thinking about refining my title further as I feel it needs to include dress, which has become a primary focus – the dressing of the self in virtual realms. The new title is: New Materiality and dressing … Continue reading

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More embodied practice.

These are a select amount of embodied practice pieces that i’ve been engaging with, in each I am following specific types of framing, styles, gestures, poses, edits and expressions that I identified in my ethnographic observations. My findings are particularly … Continue reading

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Final Group Tutorial 3/12/20.

The final group crit was useful, I used it to communicate my specific ideas in relation to new materialism in context of dress. I tried to specifically give exercises and examples which would engage the group as I’m aware that … Continue reading

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Updated ILP.

Updated Individual learning plan – now that I am in the final stages of my project, I updated my ILP accordingly.

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These are the top four filters I will be including as references in my essay: After analysing and interpreting my ethnographic observations, these are four filters which I observed were being used extremely frequently. They also showcase my cyborg theory … Continue reading

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