Category Archives: Digital Concept and Strategy Unit

Collage plans for Digital Spa.

As a way to communicate my ideas to my collaborators and during my pitch, I composed some imagery and quick collage plans for the Digital Spa.

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5 W’s and 1 H. Who, What, Where, Why, When and How?

Who? Myself and my collaborators, addressing societal anxiety. What? A series of speculative advertising campaigns. Where? Photogrammetry studio, regular studio, Moseley Road baths, virtual world. Why? Speculate on the future of beauty / society / science / technology. Answer questions. … Continue reading

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Developing collaborative network.

As I have been focusing on developing my collaborative network and particularly looking at creatives outside of London, I found a designer who has been developing moulding techniques for clothing based on skin. This really ties in with my concept … Continue reading

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How will the final outcome be consumed?

In terms of consumption, I think this is a very important aspect to consider. As I’m no longer doing ad campaigns, I’m doing a short film which follows the ‘user’ of my digital spa around as they experience it, this … Continue reading

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Rough Plans for Digital Spa.

As I am developing the script and content for the campaigns, I have began to develop visual plans. For the Digital Spa campaign, I want to create a variety of virtual scenes inspired by doctors offices and spas as well … Continue reading

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Found my dream fashion designer to collaborate with!

Rosie’s work is in collaboration with a microbiologist and she calls it ‘probiotic clothing’. I have reached out and am waiting for a response.

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Second skin. Advertising for the Future – Proposal 5.

Playing on the idea of rebirth, this technology will provide the user with a brand new skin which needs to be updated every 25 years. Utilising regenerative DNA properties extracted from lizards and coated with a blue light protector and … Continue reading

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Experimentation for Digital Spa in Blender.

After my tutorial with Vicky this week where she reminded me that I would need proof of practical experimentation and be able to pitch why I am choosing to use the software, I was slightly panicked. I had overlooked this … Continue reading

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Studio Transcendent.

Studio Transcendent partnered with AppliedVR to create a guided relaxation experience that has proven to reduce perceived anxiety by 60% in a medical setting. And VR is already being used as an alternative to drugs and medication for pain and … Continue reading

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Tutorial with Vicky 21/05/2020.

I talked Vicky through my progress and clarified a few questions I had about what was needed for the pitch in terms of visualisation and experiments. Sh advised that I am essentially selling my idea and need to justify why … Continue reading

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