Category Archives: Digital Concept and Strategy Unit

Five Part Trend Report.

Utilising my visual experiments to illustrate my findings, I have composed a mini trend report to support my pitch and demonstrate how this would be presented alongside the film.

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My 10 min Pitch for Digital Spa.

Welcome to my pitch for ‘digital spa’. Nine months ago, we were asked ‘what is fashion?’, I answered that Fashion is a reflection of the current social, economic and political climate and this is something I am mindful of. Recently … Continue reading

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Social Media Strategy for short film aspect of outcome.

In terms of my social media strategy, I have a brief idea which I will develop over the coming months. So far, the films components will be broken down and released separately as video stings or ‘teasers’ which point in … Continue reading

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Legal and Ethical aspects of my project.

I have began to think about the legal and ethical aspects of my project, this is very important, particularly in terms of the technological aspects. The scenario for my film is not set in a specific time; however it is … Continue reading

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Personalised User Profile – Understanding my user.

Gen Z are fixated with getting ‘better’ and fixing problems with A.I driven ‘smart’ care, 3D printed pharmaceuticals and digital GP’s. While at the same time we are faced with climate emergency and feelings of being environmentally corrupted or alienated … Continue reading

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Visual References for Short Film.

Set Design References: Multiple versions of the same person superimposed to look like a group of people. Medical elements. Minimal Cinematic style. Shooting style References: Walking through the set but not actually going anywhere. Editing Reference: 00:27 – moving image … Continue reading

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May Reflective Statement – Concluding before hand in.

This week has been an absolute blur, from my tutorial with Itai, learning breakthrough and turnaround in proposed outcome, I feel my work has become much more contextually rich and the outcome more focused. I’ve been looking back at my … Continue reading

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Film Planning – 5w’s 1h.

Now that I have determined that part of my outcome will be a short film, I am am composing the basic outline of the narrative. WHO? The user of the digital spa – hire actress /dancer. WHAT? A short fashion … Continue reading

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Main set for film.

This is the location for my film, I have developed a good relationship with the people who work there and know the building well. It fits well with my dystopian futuristic spa theme and is big enough to build sets … Continue reading

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FOCUSING (methodology, purpose, output).

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