The genre of Horror as a reflection of contemporary social anxieties.

After my Tutorial with Vicky, I realised I needed to examine more contemporary films as my film topic is aimed at exploring contemporary themes.

“Horror films have always been a way to examine the world around us.”

I have had the below article saved for over two years as I have always been interested in Horror as a genre (particularly 60s and 70s horror). What interests me the most is how they reflect various anxieties formed in contemporary society – rather like the fashion industry! Whether it be war, new religions, political rulings, sex, gender,

“They take their cues from the newspaper, and the lingering anxieties that clutter our conversations and make us worry about our futures. They aren’t turning to familiar frights, but recognising and defining new ones.”

Like a mirror and an extension of social topics being touched upon, it seems the horror genre predicts and unpicks conversations and issues relevant to modern day society.

I need to look into this more as it 10000% informs my practice.

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