Simmel and Goffman.

The presentation of Self in everyday life, as a social interaction.
The role fashion plays in the presentation of Self.
One Self that performs in both digital and physical domains.

What does Simmel say about Agency?
Further explore Simmel’s subjectivity/objectivity theory.

Erving Goffman.

– The Performed Self.
– Enacting roles – controlling and staging how we appear to our audience.
– In Goffman’s view, there is ‘no true self’- no identifiable performer behind the rules – the roles are the performer.
– Challenged the idea of a fixed self / character.


– Enacting ‘roles’ online.
-As there are no fixed roles, then all expressions of self are relevant and are determined by our audience.

Georg Simmel.

– Difference between any one-to-one interaction and any broader social interaction.
– Fashion as a reflection of society – manifestation of a desire and a need to be part of society but also distinctive. Combining ‘the tendency towards social equalisation with the desire for individual differentiation and change”.
– Subjective and Objective culture and the distinction between the two is important in understanding how subjective experience gets bound to broader social processes.


– Social media, selfies and filters are a combination of being the same but also different.
– The audience can be unknown in digital spaces.
– The online world has enhanced potential for editing the self / variations of self.

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