Second tutorial with Kelly 29/10/20 – Talking through the Material Turn and relevant theories / thinkers to base my contextual framework on & UPDATED RESEARCH QUESTION.

During this tutorial, I clarified my understanding of Post-Structuralist and Materialist thinkers and determined my work fit better in the Material Turn. This helped me eliminate some thinkers and themes from my Literature Review. My research question has been updated and I am focusing on Donna Haraway.

Post-Structuralist – Rational Mind and rational thinking brain, Created by human power relations which are socially constructed, they don’t believe in feeling, they think meaning is made in the mind.
Eg Focault.
Deals with denotation and connotation.
Our rational thinking brain.
Eg – We give the Eiffel Tower meaning in our HEADS.

Materialists – Believe that objects have meaning and therefore that the technology becomes embodied. The material body has meaning and therefore a phone itself has meaning (matter informing matter).
Eg Haraway.
The Material body.
The Eiffel Tower itself HAS meaning.

I am saying that in the offline world, we wear clothes to perform ourselves and in the online world, these technologies are embedded and we dress ourselves – only with different material.

My new research question is ‘How are Gen Z performing Self through Smartphone facilitated Phygital Experiences?

Read: Thinking through Fashion – Agnes Rocamora & Material Turn for Sociologists.

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