22/10/20 – Tutorial with Kelly – Update to research question and theoretical focus.

I talked Kelly through the same presentation I used in the group tutorial and gave her a brief background of my study as this was the first time we were meeting. Itai had requested that I focus my time with Kelly on my Literature Review and Kelly explained that there were conflicting elements with regards to my choice of authors.

Kelly advised I avoid the word ‘authentic’, I am trying to say that I perform myself in both spaces and both dimensions are relevant, this is better than authentic. Kelly also advised I change the word ‘identity’ to ‘self’ in my research question, as Identity carries connotations of binary social structures and is a construct in itself.

Kelly advised I look at the structuralist and post structuralist movements in order to more succinctly focus my theoretical framework, she explained that Focaualt and Haraway, although both post-structuralist, differed as the latter focuses on the material term – materiality. I need to research this school of thought more.

I am definitely dealing with the lived experience – but want to explore the physical as well as virtual (buoyancy between) in performance of self. An examination of the construction of oneself which transcends meaning is beyond the range of usual perception, therefore the material turn is relevant.

My updated research question after speaking with Kelly is:

‘How is Self being constructed through Phygital Experiences?

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