Monthly Archives: September 2020

Devising ways to analyse data.

Now that I have my script constructed and I have established my methodology for the project which is now underway, I realised I haven’t yet specifically looked into how I will analyse the findings. I’ve now read lots of papers … Continue reading

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‘Room’ planning – Shot list and script for treatment.

I have completed the first draft of my script, I will run it by the group in the first tutorial back and then I can create the visual shot list and work on the marketing plans. The soundscape has been … Continue reading

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Short Essay exploring the future of fashion shows.

A primarily online movement challenging notions of audience and consumption, driven by social media itself, is the phenomenon of streetwear (Rajendran,2012). The pioneers of this movement have developed an entirely new strategy within the realms of commerce which arguably rivals … Continue reading

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Digital Media Definition.

Digital media is any media that are encoded in machine-readable formats. Digital media can be created, viewed, distributed, modified and preserved on digital electronics devices. Digital can be defined as any data represented with a series of digits, and Media refers to a method of broadcasting … Continue reading

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Catwalk Case Studies – 1990s innovation / technological anxiety at the turn of the century.

I have been studying archive catwalk footage exploring themes of tech anxiety at the turn of the century and also innovations for a new type of showcasing. In terms of the current discourse, this is very interesting to observe (fashion … Continue reading

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Reflective Statement – September.

I am in the midst of constructing the first draft of my essay and at this point I think I need to further refine my research question (and aims/objectives). I am having my first tutorial back after summer with Lucy … Continue reading

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Fecal Matter – Ethnography – Alien Beauty.

Although I have been keeping my ethnography observations in a single post, I wanted to highlight a particular observation – Alien beauty. This reminded me so much of Instagram face and aligned with my research question “How is the Fourth … Continue reading

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Methodological Approach – Critical Self Analysis Extract.

In terms of the specific area of identity construction this project aimed to explore, the synergy between physical and digital was a question which I felt was best examined through phenomenology. In answering the various questions I had developed through this framework of research, I relied heavily on … Continue reading

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Removing ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ and quoting ‘beauty’ in research question.

As my project is advancing, I made the decision that I no longer need to include the fourth industrial revolution in my research question, as my reference to AR filters, gaming, smartphones etc are better encapsulated through my use of … Continue reading

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Further Colour Grade decisions for film.

I have chosen to use a combination of a Monochromatic Colour Scheme as it is soothing and soft for the viewer, this will be permeated by a Complementary Colour Scheme to create tension. MONOCHROMATIC COLOR SCHEME A monochromatic colour scheme … Continue reading

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