‘Room’ planning – Shot list and script for treatment.

I have completed the first draft of my script, I will run it by the group in the first tutorial back and then I can create the visual shot list and work on the marketing plans. The soundscape has been established through my Playtronica collaboration and the location secured. My Perception spa will feature three rooms and the opening scene will replay in between each one, to reiterate the cyclical and merging aspect of phygtial (in a black mirror-esque way).


We open with a shot of the perception spa building from outside, set in a normal street, people and cars passing by (a neon sign which says ‘perception spa’ will be added in post-production)

Upon entering into the reception area, the light is tinged with colour (blue or red?)/ or bright and clinically white. We see a minimal entrance area with lots of plants, a water dispenser and a large screen (no receptionist)

The user helps themselves to the water dispenser and then a close up shows them drinking from a conical plastic cup filled with flowers

The user approaches the screen and a male advertising voiceover welcoming the user to the spa. The user gestures to navigate the screen selection which shows the various services offered in the form of ‘rooms’. The user picks a service (Voiceover: “You have opted for room…”). (The voiceover allows the viewer to find out why the user is there and what the spa is)


This scene opens with the user in a steamy locker room area wearing a nude full body suit and looking into a mirror.

The user walks to the door and places her phone, airpods and a pair of glasses into a the metal tray at the exit metal (similar to ones used during surgery).


We can just about see the outline of the drained swimming pool. The lights lift and we see the room for a split second – the camera cuts to a close up shot of the users pupils dilating at a rapid rate.

ACT 2 SCENE 1 – Room 1: wellness, nature, fruit, portraiture, rebirth, beach, meditation

The camera cuts to a wide angle shot of the swimming pool and we see a there is a small studio stand with a backdrop of a printed idyllic landscape on it (mountains and lakes). In front of the curtain, the user sits in an office chair inside a children’s plastic paddling pool, with a jug of water and fruit bowl next to her (in the style of a classic art portrait)

An arial shot of this scene sees an anonymous spa worker pick up the large crystal jug of water and put a vitamin c tablet in it – moving over to the user, pouring water over their face (Affect theory) (ASMR sounds will be used alongside the Playtronica touch me device)

We cut to a shot of the user in a white robe and veil walking out of the sea onto a beach in slow motion (referencing metamorphosis and rebirth )

We cut back to the spa scene and the user sitting on the office chair, they are wearing their nude body suit but now with the addition of the veil.

A full length shot of the user pans in slowly and shows that they are cradling a white bundle in their arms, we think it is a baby until a higher shot shows that is is a collection of oranges, lemons and grapefruits wrapped in a sheet.

Anonymous gloved hands delicately place more fruit in their cradling arms as the user gazes down the lens, some of the fruit rolls down their body and out of shot.

The hands also stroke the user’s face and hair. (The Playtronica touch me device determines the ethereal sound) (Emojis in message form are overlaid during this scene in post production)

The user gets up and the camera pans 180 degrees and follows (in the style of a documentary) in the footsteps of the user. We see the oranges and lemons that have rolled away on the tiled floor and a sprig of lavender, which the user picks up and inhales.

We switch to the experiential POV of the user on a virtual beach (inspired by surreal natural meditative landscapes, we can hear the sound of the sea). In the middle of the beach is a bed, (private vs public) the user approaches the bed (we continue to view this in POV style) and can see it is sprinkled with sprigs of lavender.

We cut back to the spa for a split second to see the user still inhaling the sprig of lavender, the lights are now very low.

Cut back to the POV of the user in the virtual world, climbing into bed and looking up at the pink clouds… fade to black.


The user helps themselves to the water dispenser and then a close up shows them drinking from a conical plastic cup filled with flowers

The user approaches the screen and a male advertising voiceover welcoming the user to the spa. The user gestures to navigate the screen selection which shows the various services offered in the form of ‘rooms’. The user picks a service (Voiceover: “You have opted for room…”). (The voiceover allows the viewer to find out why the user is there and what the spa is)


This scene opens with the user in a steamy locker room area wearing a nude full body suit and looking into a mirror.

The user walks to the door and places her phone, airpods and a pair of glasses into a the metal tray at the exit metal (similar to ones used during surgery).


We can just about see the outline of the drained swimming pool. The lights lift and we see the room for a split second – the camera cuts to a close up shot of the users pupils dilating at a rapid rate.

ACT 4 SCENE 1 – Room 2: medical, working out, sweat, dance, AR,

We can that in the centre of the pool there is a minimal amount of hospital equipment – including a turquoise curtain and a drip, as well as pastel coloured exercise balls and yoga matts. The pool is lit overhead by a hanging square light. The user is lying on their back on a hospital bed, hooked up to wires – cyborg like.

  • club lights, bass music and dancing (sweat bodies on bodies)

spotlight – like a stage referencing performativity – screen vs stage –

  • photogrammetry rig surrounding user in renaissance style poses but with wires and cyborg

ACT 5 SCENE 1 – Room 3:

Multiple screens surround the scene, balancing on roman style plinths – surveying the multiple iterations of self,


  • Hands coming from out of frame and massaging/ stroking/ spraying / applying product
  • Peeling of mask / skin
  • Personalisation
  • Selfies and hands holding phones up
  • hands coming out of frame and performing services (massage, cosmetic procedures etc) – accompanying ASMR sounds
  • affect theory in terms of close up shots of the abject body, skin and product

pole dancing

Ends in arena of self spectatorship – choir

Extra plans

Lighting for each room

Sound for each room

Shot type for each room

AR filters for each room

set design for each room – velvet, glass, black and white tiles,

virtual plan for each room

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