Primary research reflection – Wellness and Physical Health equated with Virtual Beauty.

Whilst composing the first draft of my essay, I realised that I needed to further refine my project; I reduced my research question and edited my aims and objectives in my ILP. Alongside this I made alterations to my script (location and structure).

At this point I realised that an aspect of beauty I have failed to explore as I had intended to was physical health and wellness becoming equated with virtual beauty. I particularly want to explore overcoming the dualistic divide between mind and body (this is the phygital element I am examining) ie something as simple as beauty filters which virtually augment the body, to virtual identities in a constant state of metamorphosis.

I’ve realised through primary research that the overcoming of dualism actually is fundamentally juxtaposed with how my participants view wellness – separating mind and body in a meditative way.

For this reason, I am omitting the wellness aspect from the study and will focus heavily on technological extensions of the self with regards to the digital media.

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