Monthly Archives: August 2020

Notes on: Body Architect – Lucy McRae.

I decided to revisit this book as Lucy McRae is a massive inspiration. Particularly as I am now developing the sound and have secured the use of some technology, I am exploring how Mcrae collaborates and speaks about her work. … Continue reading

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Cult LDN+NYC – Creative Agency.

I came across this creative foresight agency who spoke about the ‘sensory internet’ focusing on how sound can affect the viewer. I have emailed asking for a copy of the episodes. These are really relevant in terms of the affect … Continue reading

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COVID-19 – Project Update.

I have eagerly been waiting an update from university regarding the access and running of studios and equipment for next term. Today I know that physical collaboration is going to be hard – collaborative work that involves close or direct … Continue reading

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Playtronica Collaboration.

I took a massive step in my project development today, I came across the brand Playtronica who have developed a midi controller which explores the ‘Future of Human Touch’ through ‘Tactile Sound’ so I approached them and proposed a collaboration. … Continue reading

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What is Identity?

As the term identity is so heavily loaded but is central to my project, I decided to define exactly what it means. “Who am I?” and “Who do I want my future self to be?” Identity includes the many relationships … Continue reading

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Revisiting Poppy for character and script development.

I loosely researched Poppy during the last unit, now as I am developing the character for my film, I feel I am in the stages of planning and research where I can research this artist / online persona in more … Continue reading

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Grimes Violence Music Video.

Alongside my research into media theory, I’m still gathering visual references for the film, Grimes’ music video and the combination of 3D and physical elements is really lovely, I will need to establish If I am going to get a … Continue reading

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MyCAF Profile.

I finally got round to completing my creative attributes framework, I identified that I would like to develop my connectivity, self-efficiency and communication. This task helped me to really understand my strengths and weaknesses in terms of creating work and … Continue reading

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