Monthly Archives: August 2020

Revisiting Gasper Noe for film style research.

I decided to re-watch some Gaspar Noe films as I feel he is the best at affecting the viewer (looking at affect theory). His use of lights, sound, visual symbols and mostly PACE and CAMERA TECHNIQUES are wonderful. The … Continue reading

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Early practice-based research?

I’ve always been interested in beauty standards and using this vernacular to push the boundaries of what it means to be beautiful. I loved these filters when I first saw them a few years ago, it’s interesting to see how … Continue reading

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Marshall McLuhan.

I have been examining media theory and came across Marshall McLuhan who theorised the idea of ‘The Rear View Mirror’ which essentially theorises that human nature deals with postmodern ideologies in the media by the inclusion of nostalgic influences (Theall, … Continue reading

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Notes on: Cultures of Internet – virtual spaces, real histories, living bodies by Rob Shields.

‘Technology is often viewed as a source of separation between people, a barrier… Conversations are held with distant and absent others (Shields 1992). Alienation and dehumanization. A separation of body and mind. Nonetheless, ‘presence’ doesn’t just vanish. Technology mediates presence. … Continue reading

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Screen on Screen – practical production experimentation.

The age of communication is obviously something that really interests me and the evolution of ‘media’ itself. The idea of a universal offering of a ‘voice’ that a combination of technology brings has got me thinking about the concept of … Continue reading

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Developing more a more focused method of Phenomenology.

I’ve been focusing on the methodology this week as that will propel the project forward. I’m contacting people for interviews and have been reading lots of writing about the way in which to do this. Definitely semi-structured interviews are the … Continue reading

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Thinking about Interviews, Phenomenology and lived experience.

I have been trying to decide who I want to interview and begin to narrow down my focus as I feel I am unable to develop the ‘script’ any further without conducting interviews. I was looking back at posts from … Continue reading

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Interview participants – ‘gender’ and questioning whether I have a personal bias.

I have now come to the point where I need to plan my interviews, I started to make a list of people who I thought had interesting and varying opinions about how/why they constructed their online identities etc. As this … Continue reading

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Phenomenology – planning interviews.

My work has always been concerned with the combination of physical and virtual and the experience of this and therefore a methodological approach is to devise interviews which questions regarding identity construction online and irl through beauty on social media. … Continue reading

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Lucy McRae.

Re-visiting Lucy McRae has made me realise how much I love work that can be slightly gross, I am going to plan some practice-based research at some point, I feel inspired! Calling herself a science fiction artist and ‘body architect’, … Continue reading

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