Monthly Archives: July 2020

Establishing contents page for Green Light Meeting.

I’ve been planning the contents page for the Green Light Meeting, which has really helped me establish what it is I want to do and why. Constructing the contents page is a way to talk through the project and see … Continue reading

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Establishing Aims and objectives for ILP.

These are notes of my musings on how to ensure audience, purpose and context were all considered in my final outcome. I’m in the process of establishing my aims and objectives and these will really help guide my through the … Continue reading

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Contents Page and Initial Notes for Critical Self Analysis.

Cyborg (Donna Haraway)   These evolving parameters and definitions of beauty seemingly becoming more intersectional and organic reinstated the rejection of dualistic notions of gender. Linking directly back to cyborg theory and transhumanism which sites cyberspace as a space which eradicates the … Continue reading

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