Monthly Archives: July 2020

Notes On: Definition and classification of dress – Eicher, J.B. and Roach, M.E.H., 1992.

I have been concerned with definitions and terminologies and want to ensure I am always researching ‘fashion media’. This piece of text really reaffirmed my ideas of what constitutes as fashion and dress. Lucy gave me this reference and it … Continue reading

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Lucy Tutorial 9/7/20.

This tutorial really helped me further refine my ideas, I explained to Lucy that I had spent the week researching fashion shows and physical aspects of fashion media but I was concerned that it was broadening my project too much. … Continue reading

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Fashion shows.

To keep my project in keeping within the current context of fashion, I keep being drawn to fashion showcasing. I explored this a to in the last unit, however I thought that I could perhaps use my film/event as an … Continue reading

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Notes on: Vogue Business Podcast.

This podcast wasn’t as useful as I initially thought it would be, it was part of the ‘Tech Edit’ entitled ‘Fashion shows: Digital solutions for a new reality’ where they assessed the successes and challenges of converting the traditional fashion … Continue reading

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Updated Individual Learning Plan.

This is my updated ILP, including working title, Research Question, Aims, Objectives and a loose schedule.

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Notes on: Fashion at the edge – Caroline Evans.

This is one of my favourite fashion books and I pulled all the quotes relating to: Identity/ Fashion Shows/ Futurism/ Technology to refer back to: Pg 5-6. It is in this sense that fashion ‘speaks’, both as a discourse which … Continue reading

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Amalia Ulman.

Through revisiting the exhibition ‘Performing for the Camera’, I was reminded of Amalia Ulman’s 2014 Instagram Performance piece entitled ‘Excellences and Perfections’. I have been thinking about the character who will star in the film and their backstory, so looking … Continue reading

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Notes on: Performing for the camera – Tate Modern Exhibition.

A theme I am exploring is performativity and I was reminded of an exhibition I went to years ago at the Tate, I managed to find a copy of the exhibition catalogue and lifted some relevant quotes: Since the invention … Continue reading

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GREEN LIGHT MEETING – Tutorial with Lucy & Vicky 02/07/20.

I had my Green Light Meeting today with Lucy and Vicky, in advance I had prepared a basic contents page for my project, risk assessment and and Individual Learning Plan. The construction of the ILP really helped me focus my … Continue reading

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Belle Delphine.

After examining Amalia Ulman, I thought it would be relevant to examine other online personalities, someone who has been on my radar for a while is Belle Delphine, the ‘gamer girl’ who made money selling jars of her bathwater for … Continue reading

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