Reflective Statement – July.

I have been struggling to focus the last month, but I have managed to refine my research area and develop strong aims and objectives before we break up for summer. I tend to feel like this at the start of most of my projects and I know I need to start physically experimenting and write my script to move on in my project! I have been focusing heavily on sound and what I want the soundscape to ‘feel’ like as it’s such an incredibly important part of the sensory aspect of the film. I have began to develop language around how to describe musical effects and how they can impact the body physically, including; audio swells, bass, harmonies etc so it’s becoming easier to communicate what I want.

In terms of media research and asking how human senses could be created in a virtual space, I have been thinking about occupying virtual space and self documentation and also the concept of ‘reality’ shows. I have been thinking about how to create visual references to this – such as shooting someone lit purely in the intimate light of a nighttime laptop screen – lighting someones face up or even from perspective of laptop. I have also been thinking about senses more and think I might start trying to film intimate moments – when someone has just woken up – sleepy blurry eyed and a bit incoherent – at their most vulnerable, but need to explore the logistics and authenticity of this.

Developing the new working title, ‘perception spa’ has given me more of a focused path to go down and it encompasses my themes well. I have began to develop my ideas surrounding the critical context of the film and feel that research wise, I am okay, I just need to organise my research and focus my ideas. Tomorrow I am planning on making a more detailed research plan and begin to decide who I will be interviewing as I’ve completely neglected that area of my project! I also need to create a treatment so I can reach out to potential collaborators.

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