Perception Spa? New Working title.

I have a new working title for my project which is derived from my initial ‘digital spa’ title. I had an idea where I discussed the possibilities of it being called sensorial spa in my last tutorial with Vicky and Lucy as I have become very interested in human senses and physical touch. However i felt that the digital/virtual aspect wasn’t addressed in the ‘sensorial spa’ title, so I started to look at synonyms and associations of senses and decided ‘perception spa’ could work well:


  1. 1.the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.”the normal limits to human perception”
  2. 2.the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.”Hollywood’s perception of the tastes of the American public”

I like that perception is subjective as is identity and it alludes to the idea of how we perceive what is fantasy and what is reality, I also like that it sounds like ‘perfection’ (referencing beauty ideals etc).

So now I have a new working title, I will be researching the ‘perception of identity’ and focus my idea even more.

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