GREEN LIGHT MEETING – Tutorial with Lucy & Vicky 02/07/20.

I had my Green Light Meeting today with Lucy and Vicky, in advance I had prepared a basic contents page for my project, risk assessment and and Individual Learning Plan. The construction of the ILP really helped me focus my project over the last few weeks and I was able to formulate a research question, aims and objectives. Lucy and Vicky advised that I flip the order of the objectives to match the order in which I plan to conduct the research – which made much more sense.

I had established my research question, aims and objectives as well as deciding firmly on a speculative outcome. The research question is: How will the fourth industrial revolution impact identity construction through the concept of ‘beauty’ and phygital experiences? The main thing I now need to focus on is my contents page as it is currently not specific enough and dealing with too many topics. I will tweak the ILP and work more specifically on the contents page and overall plan of the project.

I was also asked to clarify which aspects would be speculative and which would be realised – the entire project is a speculative one, I will formulate the trend reports and conduct experimental shoots / further plan the practical outcome. In terms of my contents page, it does deal with lots of themes so I need to be aware of this as I am developing my project, I also need to ensure I am constantly critically reflecting throughout. Green Lit – yay!

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