Reflective Statement – June.

This month I transitioned from the Digital Concept & Strategy Unit into my Masters Project which has been good. I was really happy with the outcome of DC&S and the way I had to pitch my final ideas (recorded presentation) made me think about possibly creating visual essays as part of my Masters Project. The pace of my work has slowed down quite drastically but that is to be expected and is also the way my creativity naturally flows. I had lots of consultancies, tutorials and lectures which turned out to be a good opportunity to discuss my project and talk to people / further develop my ideas.

I have mainly focused on refining my research area and developing my research question, project aims and project objectives. This has been a super important aspect of my project as I tend to go off on tangents and want to explore too much, which would ultimately hinder the quality and depth of this 6 month project. I managed to compose a research question which incorporated all the subject areas I wanted to explore, without it being to wordy or large. “How is the Fourth Industrial Revolution impacting Identity construction through the concept of ‘beauty’ and phygital experiences?

I have developed a question framework which leads on from this main research question, involving: Affect Theory, Fourth Industrial Revolution and the link between identity and beauty.

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