Reflecting on Assessment Feedback from DCS Unit and Moving Forward with my Masters Project.

  • In terms of my Learning Journal I was told that I “demonstrate a self-reflective and critical approach to research, practice and future professional development”, so I will continue with the structure of my self-analysis and critical reflection.
  • Questions arose around my methodology such as; how will the information impact this project? Is this something you would do at the beginning of the project or throughout? Are you hoping that the results will impact the narrative of this film? What is the ‘lived experience’ specifically? Is this referring to their identity in digital society and the real world? I will now use this feedback as a springboard for developing a questioning framework for this research.
  • It was pointed out that my project covers such a range of topics within the contemporary fashion discourse and I am aware that I need to further refine this to successfully execute this project.
  • In terms of the pitch/presentation, I was told that I had “developed some key words to describe this experience which will come in handy when promoting the final project”. Next I need to do some storyboards or other pre-visualisation which would help in clarifying what will be happening in the film.
  • I was told that further understanding, exploration and practice of visual storytelling, will be necessary to ensure the quality of this outcome – this is the next part of my development.
  • Further advice and questions include, “consider mapping out the emotional journey of the user with your audience in mind. If you are dealing with ‘human experiences and sensory information’ what will these things be and how will they affect your character?. Why will people want to continue to watch this film? Will it be because the user is expecting someone else to show up in the virtual world? How do you want the audience to feel after they watch it? What do you want them to think, question or know? Who is the user? Why are they at the Spa? Why do they need to go to the digital spa?
  • A key piece of advice was that “Developing a back story for your character might help even if you don’t use the information in your film, it will provide an emotional framework for you to understand how they might react to your invented digital spaces”
  • I need to consult Marcel Proust’s questionnaire to interview your character/ user;
  • In terms of sound, I need to now consider what the audience will hear in both worlds and will start creating inspiration boards for this.
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