Lucy Tutorial 16/06/20.

I was really looking forward to meeting Lucy properly in this tutorial as she gave a lecture about fashion research earlier this week which was wonderful.

I spoke to Lucy about how I was attempting to break my research into sections in order to refine a research question. I told her how I had three research questions at present which I wanted to merge into one. I spoke about how I had secondary research questions including authenticity within virtual spaces however these were not the primary questions I was exploring, she suggested shifting some of these into the aims and objectives section of the learning plan, which is a brilliant idea and I am definitely going to do. I also spoke about how I am becoming interested in new ways of fashion showcasing as a reaction to the current climate and brands like Balenciaga introducing scent into their fashion shows.

Lucy reminded me that my research question needs to encapsulate what I want to achieve which reiterated the focus I need to have on PURPOSE. I need to justify all my choices in order to make this project as cohesive as possible.

Following on from this, the purpose of my work is to provoke people into asking questions – I am interested in society and media and identity labels, so I would like my work to inspire questions about why we live the way we do.

Lucy also gave me lots of research material so I have lots to do!

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