Refining Research Question, Aims and Objectives.

In order to refine my research question I lifted every question and theme I had mentioned in my proposal and categorised them.

Within these nine categories I inserted sub headings and combined similar themes and questions.

How are phygital identities being constricted and experienced?

How is wellness and physical heath becoming synonymous with beauty (in the fourth industrial revolution? / projected through digital media?)

How can human senses be replicated in a virtual space?

How can the cyborg be used as a metaphor for the construction of a phygital identity?

How will phygital media be experienced in a beauty setting?

I further refined these ideas into three categories and created a question entitled ‘with a specific focus on the fourth industrial revolution and the evolving parameters of beauty, how are phygital identities being constructed and how could this lead to human senses being replicated in a virtual space?’

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