Artist bio and project notes – My purpose.

As I’m halfway through the course now and embarking on the main masters project, I thought it might be useful to create a min artist bio to help establish my purpose as a media practitioner and in turn, the purpose of my masters project.

  • I reimagine traditional stories with a speculative futuristic lens based on emerging value systems and behaviours of young generations, referencing the digital transformation of society. I like to identify shifts in society as a reaction to the rise of the internet and digital currencies, particularly with regards to beauty ideals and trends.
  • As a result of my interest in the internet and digital platforms, I am interested in media itself, the concept of the screen as well as emerging ways of communicating. The fourth Industrial revolution references this through the exploration if the merging of digital, physical and biological realms, through this I am interested in the physicality of the body and touch juxtaposed with virtuality.
  • There is an underlying feminist tone to my work and I am interesting in beauty ideals and pushing the boundaries of what is considered ‘feminine’ – sometimes done through humorous tropes and questioning how and why femininity is portrayed in a certain way on screen – linking back to beauty ideals. Ultimately, I am interested in the feminine ideal projected through contemporary media and technology.
  • Not limited to one particular medium, I am interested in expanding on and combining both traditional and contemporary formats of media production.
  • I am currently exploring the concept of health and wellness becoming equated with digital and virtual beauty in the near future. I am doing this through a research project which explores the fourth industrial revolution, identity, experience, beauty ideals, media and communication.
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