Synopsis and Next Steps.

  • Dual perspective film, observing the ‘user’ of the digital spa from the third person. Parallel to this, is the first-person perspective of what the user sees – virtual elements of the spa.
  • The Spa is set in a drained Victorian Swimming Baths, which in itself offers a dystopian feel in contrast with the virtual element. Seeing a singular user navigating around the drained pool whilst clearly in a virtual world, is in itself, quite unsettling.
  • Whilst observing the digital spa, we will be able to see that the pool is separated and divided by pieces of furniture which alludes to medical practises, waiting rooms and social media (props will include screens, visible wires, plastic curtains, medical beds, swivel chairs, flowers and plinths). Elements from my initial advertising campaign plans will also be taken into consideration.
  • We will also see an element of ‘the other’ in terms of arms extending from outside of the frame, multiple versions of the user facing herself and making up an auditorium of spectators etc.
  • In terms of the way the film is framed, shot and edited, quick switched between virtual and physical with slow panning zoos focusing on areas will make for a dream like / video game feel whilst maintaining the tension.


  • Write multiple versions of the ‘story’ and story board.
  • Check for any funding opportunities.
  • Begin to develop virtual worlds.
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