Who will be the ‘user’ of the digital spa? Character in the film.

This project started with the idea of creating a visual album for a female artist, although this has developed and deviated away from this, now I have started to plan the logistics of my film, I think it would be interesting to include someone who a) feels comfortable enough to ‘perform’ b) is available for multiple days of filming (London studios, beach, countryside, Birmingham pool).

I have realised that my work is enhanced when I have a ‘muse’ as I did in my last project, which makes sense contextually as my work contains an element of discourse between fantasy and reality.

I chose Marika as she performs for the camera quite a lot, directs her own social media content, forming a digital identity and creates moving image and sound which reflects this.

I would like the film to include content of what the user has posted on digital media previously, also it could be interesting to include the voice of the user.

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Music heals.

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Social distancing since 2016.

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