Legal and Ethical aspects of my project.

I have began to think about the legal and ethical aspects of my project, this is very important, particularly in terms of the technological aspects.

The scenario for my film is not set in a specific time; however it is suggestive of a near future and whilst bearing in mind that this proposal is speculative in terms of imagining possible futures, the themes discussed carry multiple ethical considerations. Although this project imagines the immersion of a phygical world, the ethical complexities surrounding Mixed Reality must be considered. These have been addressed by experts within the industry, who have debated issues surrounding it’s cognitive and psychological impacts (Southgate, 2017). Therefore, full disclosure of the speculative aspect of the film will be communicated when exhibited.

This project will be collaborative and this aspect demands particular attention and awareness in order to ensure all legalities have been covered and all parties involved are informed. The designers, venue manager, sound designer, 3D artist and any other collaborators who come on board will be asked to sign a document which clearly states their role in the project. I will develop this document alongside Roxanne Peters (Creative and Cultural IP Rights Specialist), who I have begun to converse with in terms of ownership and collaborative processes.

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