Film Planning – 5w’s 1h.

Now that I have determined that part of my outcome will be a short film, I am am composing the basic outline of the narrative.


The user of the digital spa – hire actress /dancer.


A short fashion film with speculative mixed reality elements. From perspective of both the user experiencing the spa, as well as the audience observing her using the spa (her movements and gestures) in an empty space (with only a few bits of furniture to guide). Set is inspired by david lynch, gucci runway, 1990s spa – looking at tactility, clinical aesthetics and natural elements. The pool could be taped off like an obstacle course to guide.


Set in the fictional digital spa, which is a drained swimming pool in Birmingham – have developed a good relationship with them. In a phygital world.


Set in 10 years time, so project is speculative.


Imagine a new future / way of living. Asking what is identity? What is beauty? How does it affect human connection, senses, experience in a virtual world? Are we becoming cyborgs? Addressing how we choose to construct our identity online, how the merging of digital and physical is impacting this. Reacting to the rising alien aesthetic, popularity of altering the ‘natural’ whilst glorifying the ‘natural’ -interested in exploring this concept.


Digital software – creating of virtual scenes and using 3D photogrammetry for photorealistic versions of things.

Visual style

Colour scheme will be the same as MILLY film, cinematic, high contrast, dreamy, using references from colours used in Renaissance painting

Shot style

Slow panning shots and fixed point zooms, quick switch between virtual worlds and physical shots, multiple shots of same person reimposed, slow motion dancing. Can i edit memes into the shots (solange ref)? Camcorder / self directed element – user generated content. Glitch.


Spotlight following the user around, some neon lighting


Interactions with the ‘other’, hands from out of frame etc -suggestions but no defined other character. workout, elements of video game – satire. Using what that person has truly posted on social media – using their online self as inspo – can view yourself in the way you want to be seen – your identity is what you project. Nostalgia though scent – shown your memories? religious references though lighting, sound and styling. Representations of voice and image search – making reference to rising behaviours. Digital avatar of the self.


Empty large spaces, braking the fourth wall – show lighting, wires, set, empty swimming pool with paddling pool – class thing. Beach, rebirth, coming out of water. Different ‘rooms for the spa’ different visual references – different treatments, change in experience eg calming room / hypnotic room / surgery room etc. Virtual stadiums being viewed by mutiple versions of yourself.


Very long fairytale hair, prosthetics – cheek enhancements, lips etc, alien elements, face masks. Have contacted designers who explore similar concepts – skintight futuristic elements.


Representations of voice search, atmospheric music/singing, change in sound experience depending on room and experience. Dystopian / distorted / etherial / choir. Voiceover / narrator.

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