TURNING POINT IN PROJECT – Selecting an aspect of the project to develop as succinctly as possible.

After thinking through the points Itai raised, I realised that the terminology ‘advertisements’ is not suitable for my project. I haven’t really been too focused on advertising techniques anyway and don’t want to become preoccupied with cosmetic science or product design as I feel that will distract from the concept. I have been attempting to think about refining definitions of my work including ‘beauty’ as I need to further focus my research question in order to focus on strategy, the output and consumption.

Although I will still use all my research and the techniques I have learned, I want to push this further through a phenomenological methodology (I have already conducted interviews and a main focus for this project is on shared experiences).

After conducting a critical analysis, I feel the ‘Digital Spa’ aspect of the project is the strongest conceptually and encompasses the key themes. By selecting this aspect of the project and taking it forward for development, this will help me focus my research question more succinctly and allow my project to be both focused and realistic.

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