Carrie Tutorial 28/05/20.

After my tutorial with Itai yesterday, I was slightly unsure as to what my output was going to be. So I was grateful to have another tutorial organised with Carrie to talk through my thoughts. I explained that I had the realisation that I needed to focus my ideas more and I had decided to select the advertising campaign proposal I felt was the strongest which I would then tweak and push further, ‘Digital Spa’. I also spoke about how trend reports were a big interest for me in this project and I could see that becoming part of the outcome. My action plan for now is to find a way to describe my project in a few sentences and develop a more concise research question beyond ‘what is the future of beauty?’ Carrie suggested combining the physical and digital experience to fit within the context. As a way of focusing and refining my ideas, Carrie suggested cutting out the scientific aspect and focusing the ideas on digital and technological transformation – which I agree with. She also suggested that I look into physical exhibition possibilities such as a gallery or real life wellness centre.

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