Digital Spa. Advertising for the Future – Proposal 1.

REF – 3:28:

A virtual spa experience / digital health and wellness day spa. Reacting to the ever increasing pace of society, using a combination of ancient wellbeing practices with digital advancements. Taking into account emotional wellbeing, optimised routines, algorithmic beauty and the ever impending hybrid of aesthetic and medical treatments.

Using Unity3D, a virtual world will be created and the user will experience a mixed reality relaxing spa treatment inspired by surreal landscapes – machine learning will be utilised for personalisation purposes.

As a result of research into immersive cosmetic/ wellness spaces and the ritualistic aspect of skincare / beauty / cosmetic routines . Looking at spas / leisure centres / health clubs / gyms / beauty salons / doctors office and natural meditative spaces. Addressing the desire to negate collective technological burnout and tech anxiety, Improving emotional fitness and digital nutrition.

  • How would I create this? Unity3D?
  • How could I create a portol?
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