Monthly Archives: March 2020

Tutorial with Vicky 03/03/20.

I had a Skype catch up with Vicky today as I couldn’t make the group tutorials last week. I told her I had been experimenting with collaboration, styling and characters using the photoshoots as a springboard for making a film. … Continue reading

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The Future of Digital Marketing Strategy – AI.

Artificial Intelligence: The dominance of artificial intelligence (AI) – at the heart of global business and industry in the future. Just a couple years ago, Gartner analysts predicted that by 2020, AI technologies would be pervasive in almost every new software … Continue reading

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The Future of Digital Marketing Strategy – Neuromarketing.

Neuromarketing is a strategy that analyses measurements of a person’s brain activity and nervous system to determine which types of content they find engaging. It is essentially designing marketing materials (including your website, ads, email campaigns and content) to evoke … Continue reading

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The Future of Digital Marketing Strategy – User Generated Content.

UGC is a potent resource for marketers who want to tap into the Millennial and Gen Z markets. Encouraging the audience to share unique content by offering them an incentive, such as a discount, or even partnering with them for … Continue reading

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The Future of Digital Marketing Strategy – Geo-fencing.

Geo-fencing allows real-time targeting based on a user’s location. A target area is defined as, say, within a mile of a restaurant, and when a user enters or leaves this area, they receive a push notification, text message or another … Continue reading

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The Future of Digital Marketing Strategy – Augmented Analytics using Machine Learning.

Predictive analytics is the practice of using data mining, predictive modelling and machine learning to identify patterns and attempt to predict the future. It is becoming more and more sophisticated and widespread in many industries, assisting individual personalisation. One such … Continue reading

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The Future of Digital Marketing Strategy – Interactive Content – AR.

A shift from traditional text-based content toward dynamic, engaging content that offers users an immersive experience: Quizzes and polls Embedded calculators Augmented reality ads 360-degree videos Interactive content is more engaging, more memorable and more likely to generate results. 91% … Continue reading

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The Future of Digital Marketing Strategy – Shoppable Posts / Social Commerce.

In March 2019, Instagram unveiled Instagram Checkout, which lets users complete their purchase from within Instagram: Using a combination of e-commerce and social media to maximise opportunities for sales. E-commerce brands hope this will reduce the risk that customers will abandon … Continue reading

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The Future of Digital Marketing Strategy – Stories on Social Media.

First, Snapchat came out with the concept of “My Story,” then Instagram and Facebook stories were introduced, and then YouTube unveiled their own story format: Reels. The benefits of using social media stories include: Increased brand awareness Constant engagement with followers Cost-effectiveness … Continue reading

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The Future of Digital Marketing Strategy – Voice Search.

Voice search plays an important role in providing all the relevant information that people are searching for through audio content. AI is getting smarter and the number of errors made by voice assistants like Alexa, Siri and Google has reduced … Continue reading

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