RV Building your Digital Strategy – SARABANDE SESSIONS.

This session was perfect for my current unit, deciding on and building a digital strategy is something I am learning about and focusing on right now and feel it is extremely relevant in the current social current. It further cemented the ideology that Artificial Intelligence and Augmented, Virtual, Mixed realities are the future of this industry. I was introduced to the idea of social VR and the development of a machine which projects directly into the views eye which interested me.

Dave Chaffey – smart insights diagram.
Digital is an ecosystem and experience.
Lewis and Bridger (2001)
Lazarovic (2014)
  • How brands use Instagram.
  • Start up technology.
  • Digital Strategy is never finished – ever evolving with the times.
  • Notion of experimentation and enlightenment.
  • Nothing is in isolation!
  • Start by thinking who is it you want to have a conversation with? Who is it you what to attract? What is the message you want to send? Then think backwards – what is the correct platform or mechanism for you to do that?
  • How does a digital aspect translate to a thought/ feeling and then to a behaviours?
  • Map out journeys of consumers/ clients/ users done on a regular basis. Notion of user experience / consumer experience.
  • Notion of content, commerce and advertising merging.
  • Digital anthropology tool – hashtags etc. Using that information to personalise the user experience.
  • Mapping out the consumer journey against different touch points that you offer.
  • Burberry – Pioneers / Experimental. Combining art and fashion and communicating the message of the brand.
  • Charlotte Tilbury augmented reality mirror – digital experience progressing to a physical experience.
  • Bullitin – rent a shelf store.
  • Nike – Augmented Reality Sneaker Drop App. Experiential.
  • Everlane – social media consistency, new fresh content, interact with clients.
  • Candida Powell – Williams – GIFs.
  • Sheer Chemistry – digital channels director is consumer.
  • Martine Jarlguard – Microsoft mixed reality show. Blockchain project.
  • 90 day strategies!!!!
  • Walk in the shoes but also hearts/heads experiences of consumers.
  • Innovation/ Experimentation.
  • If you want to remain relevant in a space, you need to adapt.
  • Agencies dedicated to crisis management.
  • Using Instagram stories as a research tool.
  • Boomerang changed the way people record and share videos.
  • Technologies that will have the most impact on the creative industries in the next ten years – Augmented Reality (will replace mobile phones according to Tim Cooke) and Artificial Intelligence and the combination of those two together. Augmented reality (which tends to involve a headset that you see things on or a phone where you can have an extra layer of information, trying on products which serves a use case etc). Virtual reality (headset based, immersive – you in your own universe). Social VR – you and another person. Netflix wants to use this in the future. Mixed reality (Microsoft with hollow lens).
  • Backlash against over filtered images. Authenticity.
  • Futuristic – machine can project into your eyes. Black Mirror.
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