Brand Narratives in Fashion Media Production.

Just before we broke up for Spring Break, we had a lecture from Itai, I was really enthralled by what he said, the idea of separating brand identity from brand image is something I had never really thought about before and made me realise I need to develop my Brand Identity with conceptual frameworks and implement my social ideologies (what am I trying to say etc). It also reminded me that fashion wasn’t just about clothing – something I emailed him about after the session and gave me things to explore over the break.

  • An understanding of what might happen behind the scenes.
  • What we understand from conventional narratives.
  • Brand identity vs Brand image
  • Brand association is anything which is deep seated in a customer’s mind about the brand. In general terms, Brand should be associated with something positive so that the customers relate your brand to being positive. Brand associations are the attributes of brand which come into consumers mind when the brand is talked about.
  • Emphasis on the digital domain – exploration.
  • Exploring an industry and responding to the industry.
  • What narratives are you going to tell about fashion?
  • Experiment with the mediums and experiment with the reach.
  • You are creating a product/object at the service of industry.
  • Asking questions about the future of fashion media.
  • Important aspects of contemporary life (my work is about…/my clients are… / my audience is… / this is my brand identity…
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