Reflective Statement – Feb.

This unit began with lots of reading around topics I am interested in (including class, the future of beauty, gender and the internet/technology) I have been trying to push the boundaries in terms of research sources and have spent lots of time in the library browsing the shelves. Additionally I have been looking into ‘the future of digital marketing strategies’ which I have found to be very inspiring in terms of the mediums I will work with. Conceptually I feel my themes are becoming even more focused which is exciting, the future of beauty and technology is something that I resonate with and i feel it is very current.

This month I have been focusing on collaborative aspects of media production and experimenting physically as opposed to only conceptually. In an attempt to develop my directing and production process, I have been in conversation with potential collaborators, created a team of make up artist/hairdressers and developing my concepts, proposals and pitch. I booked a studio and organised an experimental shoot to explore my concepts. I communicated with a set designer, hired a make up artist recruited models and recruited various photographers to shoot in different styles. I need to get used to showing my creative journey and experimenting in the way I did during my sculpture BA, it’s just hard as the studios are very difficult to book at LCF!

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