Balenciaga S/S 2020 show.

I am very influenced by fashion shows as experiences, although my work is not directly created for fashion shows, I think the evolving sector would be a perfect fit for my work in terms of current career opportunities.

Additionally, this Balenciaga show’s obvious political references in terms of set design really inspired me and the use of scent to further accentuate sensory appeal.

Group of dominant powerful people in the world – referencing the UN / EU / political meeting spaces.

Dominant Royal blue overwhelms the space.

Soundtrack – clips of different horror film sounds.

Uniform – suits and the connotations of power these hold.

Maestro logo reference.

Logos of local news stations.

A play on LA ‘hot girl’ movement – mono-aesthetic.

Shifting beauty standards.

Orlan ref.

‘The sense of actually being there and engaging was amplified by the fact that Demna enlisted scent scientist Sissel Tolaas to create an olfactory atmosphere that riffed on associations with power. Tolaas created four smells — antiseptic, blood, money and petrol — which were released from behind the ceiling and curtains throughout the presentation, transforming the show into a full-on sensory experience.’

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