Bart Hess inspiration to pull me out of my rut.

I’ve had no problem developing my concept for this unit as my practice and interests naturally evolve, however I have taken a step back and analysed myself as I really want to push myself this term and develop as more than a Fine Artist… I want to become a Media Producer! I’ve been struggling to decide on the medium to use for my idea and found I was going round in circles, I love the idea of delving further into technology in terms of CGI and AI, but it is quite overwhelming as I’ve never done anything like that. I would like to develop a cyber world and am searching on the dots for CGI and 3D artists. That being said, I have applied for the Cinema 4D licence and am going to speak with Dimitrios next week to see what my options are. In the mean time this Bart Hess video has inspired me and pulled me out of my rut again, reminding me I can still have elements of my Fine Art way of working, I just need to hone it in and think of the AIM, OBJECTIVE and AUDIENCE.

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