Social Media Strategy – Ahmad Swaid, Dazed head of Content talk 6/2/20.

I was very excited to have Ahmad come ant talk to us, not only because I love Dazed, but because I have been thinking a lot about how to implement a strategy for conceptual work. What stuck with me the most was how he spoke about going beyond the distribution of content and creating desire /answering questions and also to be aware of new technologies and the future of social media. Below are some notes I took for reflection.

-Telling stories in whatever form exists.

-Create culture, don’t just reflect it (make a statement).

-Dazed 100 – create something new and engaging.

-It’s not just about distributing content, it’s about creating an element of desire with your audience.

-Creating content and interacting with audiences.

-Using content as a vehicle for conversation.

-Youth culture magazine.

-Be aware of the future of social media.

-New technologies.

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