Monthly Archives: December 2019

The concept of performativity.

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The politics of corsets.

*ARTICLE, NOT MY WORDS* Almost a century after they fell out of favour, corsets are again having a moment. Since Prada paired them with tea-dresses and brocade for their Fall offering in February, they’ve crept into our lives and Instagram feeds and … Continue reading

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Initial Aims and Objectives.

To explore femininity and flesh – disturbing traditional ideologies and media representations Make a commentary on beauty ideals Rebirth and cleansing rituals concept of the space and the character that occupies it to create an experimental fashion film depicting ‘coming … Continue reading

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Posturing: Photographing The Body In Fashion Preview – Vogue article.

I attended an exhibition a few years ago exploring the idea of pose in fashion and how the body is photographed. I found an article interviewing the curators, giving an insight into what informed their practice. Co-curators Shonagh Marshall … Continue reading

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Rihanna – Pour it Up video reference.

Carrying on from thinking about pole dancing / stripping I was reminded of Rihanna’s video for Pour It Up which features pole dancers and strip clubs. The styling is powerful; mixing traditional fetish styles of latex, fishnets and g-strings with … Continue reading

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Documenting Melie Pole Dancing for choreography reference 15/12/19.

I’ve been in touch with a pole dancer as I want to create a dramatised film featuring a pole dancer. Today she allowed me to come and watch her practice and below are some screenshots from the footage I captured. … Continue reading

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Reflective Statement – Dec.

At this stage, the concept of my film is strong and I feel confident I have established my aesthetic. I have been in contact with a fashion designer who is going to lend her garments for the shoot. The Designer … Continue reading

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Drawings from Artist Residency.

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The Springboard in the Pond.

This book has been an absolute pleasure to read, I read it whilst at my residency and it made it all the more special to do so inside a Victorian swimming pool. It is the only book I have read … Continue reading

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Reflective Statement – Reaction to Exit Poll – UK Election 2019.

The Exit polls have just been announced. I’m devastated, this feels like the beginning of the end. My partner and I looked at each other across the room as the News Alert sounded, a second of silence and bated breath … Continue reading

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