Reflection on Residency.

I found my 3 day residency massively helpful, with no specific ideas about what I wanted to do during the time I had in Moseley Road baths, I had time and freedom to observe how people occupied the space. This ranged from children’s swimming classes, film events, gay swimming clubs, water meditation and more. Documenting these were near enough impossible for ethical reasons as I did not feel it was right to photograph. However I did note some observations down and draw what i saw, the variety of human forms floating weightlessly in the water was such a beautiful sight and really inspired me.

In addition to this, I was able to gain an understanding of the space like never before in my location visits. I now feel completely prepared with regards to my pre-production and even managed to document some underwater footage as a form of experimentation.

I want to embark on more site specific residencies for future projects as the all-consuming aspect really inspired me and provided my work with another layer of understanding.

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