Reflective Statement – Dec.

At this stage, the concept of my film is strong and I feel confident I have established my aesthetic. I have been in contact with a fashion designer who is going to lend her garments for the shoot. The Designer specialises in constructing lace pieces made from up-cycled lingerie – I feel this fits in very well with my exploration of female sexuality.

In addition to this I have decided to include balloons in the shoot as part of the set as I was really inspired by a vintage porn set I saw which was filled with pink balloons. This struck me as it was indicative of a young girls birthday party and I found it quite uncanny.

With just over two weeks to go till the shoot date, I need to finalise my storyboard, script and other pre-production material. I’m at the stage where I am starting to think beyond the film and see how this could develop even further. Having looked into pole dancing and documented a pole dancer at work as well as gone to the ballet, I am now thinking about creating a film looking more into choreography and performativity after this one. I have also re-discovered Lucy McRae and Bart Hess who have both really inspired me.

I am still developing the sound and have created a few samples, after I have the footage, I will finalise the soundscape during the editing process. I have secured my residency with the Swimming Baths so over the next week I will be able to observe how the space is used and occupied. With regards to photographing women in bodies of water, that is something I will also be doing over the next few weeks.

I wanted to look into prosthetics but have yet to connect with any prosthetic students, I have purchased some self adhesive lips that I will test out as I want to add something slightly grotesque, explore the abject and comment on beauty ideals for women.

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