Reflective Statement – Nov.

The past few weeks I explored potential locations, potential models, lighting and religious baptismal rituals.

I am still in the pre-production stages of my film but have now secured a date, location, model and videographer. This week I have constructed my storyboard and sent it to my videographer. I have been attempting to contact fashion designers that would be willing to lend me clothing but am yet to hear back so the next stage is styling.

I am in talks with the location to do a week residency where I can undertake ethnographic research and delve deeper into my concepts. Furthermore I will work out and plan more aspects of my film in detail and continue in depth with research.

I would like to explore my keywords further so I can develop my concepts in more detail. Femininity is an intrinsic theme within my work and there are always feminist undertones to my concepts. I have been exploring perceptions of the Sacred Feminine as well as the Monstrous Feminine, this idea was sparked by looking at femme-fatales in film. I developed this idea of the powerful and deathly woman by looking at classical art and mythology and applying it to modern day beauty ideals and fantasy vs reality in terms of the body. This developed further into ideas of the alien woman and I hope to explore prosthetics as a way of communicating this visually.

Occupying Space is a theme that began during the ‘Object stories’ project and I want to develop it further for my Fashion Media Lab. Representations of personal and public space is something that informed my thinking and eventually developed into my theme of Water.

I have always been drawn to swimming pools as a space and these areas of water remind me of the womb and rituals such as baptism. I have recently decided to experiment with photographing women in their own baths, around the sea, lakes and other bodies of water. Water within a space was very important to me, as it linked my theme of femininity with regards to the womb and the body with private and public spaces, exploring rebirth and bathing.

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