Reflecting on Tutorial with Ellie 21/11/19.

This tutorial fell at a perfect time, exactly one month until I shoot the main part of my experimental film. As I’m dealing with such big topics, we thought a mind map with specific terminology would be best to help me gather and reflect on my thoughts and aims.

I asked about the types of things I should be posting. With regards to this blog I need to focus more on content over curation – more a documentation of my process than a visually sleek presentation!

I need to experiment more with supportive tests and visual explorations. Again there was more emphasis on getting out of my comfort zone, I told Ellie my plans for the residency and she said this was unconventional but a great learning breakthrough. She said an observation of a learning pattern which I had recalibrated was something she encouraged and I should embrace it further.

In addition to this Ellie suggested that I look at Avant-Garde film making such as

-‘Window Water Baby Moving’, an experimental short film by Stan Brakhage

-“Unseen Cinema”

-Kenneth Anger

-Erwin Blumenfeld (moving image experiments)

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