Location Visit 16-11-19.

I have secured a location for my film! I sent multiple emails out to lots of potential locations and set up meetings with two. I visited this one this morning and was so impressed, I confirmed two dates for filming in December (one where I have now hired a videographer). This is the oldest running swimming baths in Britain and it also happens to be where I learned to swim as a child – so holds lots of sentimental value. In re-visiting the space I have more of an understanding of the lighting I want to use in my film as water reflects and dazzles so well in sunlight. I will definitely use natural light as the way light bounces off swimming pools is a key component in the mise-en-scene (so have timed my shoot for late morning/early afternoon). The image above is shot in portrait and obviously the film will be shot in landscape and I have taken this into account when storyboarding.

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