Reflecting on Tutorial with Vicky 14/11/19.

We discussed my themes of occupying environments and the eerie nature of swimming pools which reminded me of the womb. I also touched on the femme fatale/ power of the female and feminist undertones which are constantly present in my work. This led on to me talking about Medusa and Freudian psychoanalytic theory which had me looking into the concept of ‘alien’ and the monstrous feminine developed by Barbara Creed.

Vicky told me there was an Underwater photography course at Falmouth University and suggested I try to contact students from there who might want to get involved. She also made the observation that a fish tank would be helpful to shoot any miniatures and close ups of water. Also I must remember Health and Safety when working with water and equipment!

The main ideas were to challenge myself more! I’m going to develop my own soundscape for the project – something i’ve never done before and am going to get in touch with the Prosthetics tutor to see if any students would like to collab.

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