Monthly Archives: October 2019

The beauty of vintage horror film sets.

As I’m exploring sets, I thought it important to include sets from horror films, as this feeds into my work. I find most contemporary horror films underestimate the audiences artistic intelligence, with obvious jump scares and cliche plot lines. I … Continue reading

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Notes from: Notes On ‘Camp’, Susan Sontag, (from ‘Against Interpretation and Other Essays’) 1966.

page 1 – ‘Indeed the essence of Camp is its love of the unnatural: of artifice and exaggeration.’ page 2 – ‘I am strongly drawn to Camp, and almost as strongly offended by it. That is why I want to … Continue reading

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Brief essay exploring ‘That which we Abject, do men fetishise?’

Reading into the theory of Abjection encouraged me to think about how women’s bodies are fetishised and I started to wonder, do most men have mommy issues and that which we abject, do men fetishise? Fundamental to any understanding of … Continue reading

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Ward Roberts’ urban photography.

Ward Roberts captures the romantic fantasy aspect of urban spaces. I resonate very much with his affinity for wide spaces that seem eerie and like a ghost town. I got a sense of engagement with nature in cities through these … Continue reading

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Brief essay exploring ‘The Femme Fatale and the Monstrous Feminine’.

Anxiety regarding female sexuality as toxic was rife in the 20th Century; from the physical fears of women carrying diseases such as syphilis to the idea explored much earlier in Shakespeare’s Othello, that if a woman shows any slight signs … Continue reading

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Still life experimentation.

Above are photographic images I styled and captured inspired by the keyword and themes I wish to explore throughout this unit. This is a visual experimentation of aesthetics, colours and various objects inspired by classic still life paintings and the … Continue reading

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Pipilotti Rist.

My favourite video installation artist of all time is Pipilotti Rist, she explores themes of pop culture, the body, identity and more. I’m very interested in her use of satire, colour and imagery as well as the soundscapes she creates. … Continue reading

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Florencina Solari aka @xochiworld Interview.

I have recently began to develop my research question, which concerns beauty ideals and the rising popularity of a unified, instantly recognisable instagram face (due to the development of ‘beauty filters’ and dermal fillers). I contacted a few artists with … Continue reading

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Femme Fatales in Art.

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Reflective Statement – Oct.

At this point I need to start focusing my ideas for my Fashion Media Lab and begin experimentation. I created a mind map so I could visually see all the concepts and ideas that interested me. I established that the … Continue reading

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