Pipilotti Rist.

My favourite video installation artist of all time is Pipilotti Rist, she explores themes of pop culture, the body, identity and more. I’m very interested in her use of satire, colour and imagery as well as the soundscapes she creates.

Below are notes on key pieces of art which inspire me for this Unit.

Ever is Over All

In ‘Ever is Over All’ the soundscape is a woman humming a slow and soothing tune and the imagery is similarly soothing with a woman slowly walking down the street swinging a large flower. The feeling is suddenly shattered when she begins to smash the window of a car and the viewer realises the flower she is carrying is made of metal. This conflicting of sound, visuals and actions is quite enthralling.

Sip My Ocean

In ‘Sip My Ocean’ she creates mesmerising imagery and she uses her own voice to create a haunting soundscape covering the song ‘Wicked Game’ screaming ‘I don’t want to fall in love’ in a powerfully passionate way – contrasting with the soothing music and imagery.

The way Pipilotti Rist instals her videos in an immersive way (as seen in the image above) is something I want to explore further.

Ever since I began creating art work for my BA and beyond I have wanted to push boundaries by including sound I have created myself. Previously I have only ever used copyright free music or soundscapes I have sourced, so the sounds Pipilotti Rist has used are very inspiring and I will definetely try something similar.

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