Reflective Statement – Oct.

At this point I need to start focusing my ideas for my Fashion Media Lab and begin experimentation. I created a mind map so I could visually see all the concepts and ideas that interested me. I established that the main themes were Identity, Femininity, Space and playing with the boundaries between fantasy and reality.

Fairytales and old mythological tales fascinate me and I would like to examine the historical politics surrounding these stories but linking them back to the present day. In addition to this I am very interested in modern day identity and how femininity and identity are experienced in this post-internet age.

Aspects of theatricality and performance are essential to my work and I frequently use characterisation to communicate these types of ideas. I want to develop my key themes and areas of interest further and begin exploring artists, films, books etc that inspire me.

I think my next step will be looking into both my keywords and themes and the idea of the femme fatale whist applying it to beauty ideals today. This also feeds into my Research Methods unit – which, because of my way of working will be inextricably linked with my Fashion Media Laboratory project.

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