Initial thoughts on Fashion Media Lab Unit.

The intrinsic themes within my work are Identity, Femininity and playing with the boundaries between fantasy and reality. Fairytales and old mythological tales fascinate me and I like to examine the historical politics surrounding these stories – linking them back to the present day. I often like to deliver these with a tongue in cheek style. Aspects of theatricality and performance are essential to my work and this directly links back to the theme of ‘the body’. In addition to this, a reoccurring theme is the environment – whether that be natural forms and landscapes or artificial/ man-made structures, I like to explore how people behave in relation to their environment and what both private and public spaces represent. Nature in general is a dominant theme and I like to contrast this with modern day society (for example bunny rabbits and their modern fetishised connotations). Food in relation to sexuality is a topic I explore; from lollipops & bubblegum to flower and fruit symbolism in the history of oil painting and other visual metaphors. Frequently characterisation and narratives are used and political themes are present throughout my work.

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